While looking over your blogs the past month, I was able to update grades and found that many of you are BEHIND! Remember, the end of the quarter and semester is approaching quickly! This means you need to make sure you are on track to successfully complete two lead projects, as well as help with three projects. This includes blogging about each one, reflecting, and updating with pictures and videos.
Here is a checklist for you to ensure you are keeping up with all of your blogs:
You should have:
1. Blog # 6--Lead Project Reflection #1: compose a reflection on your first lead project--how did it go? What would you do differently next time? Where are your pictures and videos and did you upload them? What were the pros and cons? What went well? What could be improved upon?
2. Blog #7--Proposal (second lead project)--this was something we discussed in class and there was a handout explaining how to complete this proposal. This was due long ago.
3. Blog #8--Updates--an update on where you are currently--who you are helping/what you are leading
4. Blog #9--Milestone Dates--a blog explaining your major dates for completing various projects/activities/tasks both big and small
5. Blog #10--Reflection for your 2nd Lead Project--similar to your first reflection--see Blog #6 for guiding questions, but very similar
6. Blog #11--Reflection for your First "Help" Project--What did you do to help? Who did you help? What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? Identify Pros & Cons
7. Blog #12--Reflection for your Second "Help Project (see guiding questions for Blog #11)
8. Blog #13--Reflection for your Third "Help" Project (see guiding questions for Blog #11)
**The Reflections may come at any time and some of you have started (or already posted) posting these. All of these must be completed before the end of the quarter.
Use your time in class when we have project work days to update your blogs. I know that many of you are not using them to update, so this will be a requirement from now on. I will have to check your blog b/f you can do other work w/ your project. For those of you who are keeping up, I commend you--you are doing a wonderful job. I appreciate all of the projects you have been planning and all of the hard work you have put into this class. It makes me so proud!